Plury Pläne
MMVO 1: MoneyNations
Einige Gegenwartstrümmer, Teil 2: ENERGIE X GELD (ARBEIT)
Ein Kulturzentrum in Konstanz
Members Of Strong Interest
Curiosity Vs Classification
Kartoffelmuseum Nr.7
AKV Schoolbooks
Treffpunkte und Haltestellen
Ordnung 1 / Lücke / Ordnung 2
Rocks According to their Size
Desert Head
Width Gap Infinitude
Measuring Infinity
Kosmogonie der Sterne und Steine - was soll das Alles!?
Measuring Infinity: A Test Arrangement
Presensor / Desensor
More World Material: Coyote
More World Material: Panamax
Inexhaustive Overview Of Immaterial And Material Information Handling
Devices And Material For Terrestrial Perception and Utilization
Diagrams / Drawings
Ordering Knowledge (And some of its problems in libraries and archives)
Librarys and Archives from Below and Libraries and Archives that engage with Libraries and Archives
Models / Miniatures
Sensitives / Specialized Sensors / Fringe Knowledge / Non-Institutional Knowledge
Info Charts / Diagrams
Fringe Words-Things
Illegal Texts
Human Absence
Some Advices
The Aleph