AKV Schulbücher is a publication series that runs parallel to the regular titles of the former publishing group AKV Berlin. The focus is on reprinted text material, which mainly originates from the direct work and production environment or takes up topics that concern it.
The publications are free of charge as pdf versions [here] or are distributed as inexpensively as possible.
List of published titles:
AKV Schulbuch 0: AKV Schulbücher Announcement
AKV Schulbuch 1: KNG KNG THR, Vrgn Dspnts
AKV Schulbuch 2: Lesebuch Anarchismus, Leonie Nagel
AKV Schulbuch 3: Preface To: Playing by the Rules, Steven Rand
AKV Schulbuch 4: The Bonds Of Catastrophe, D. Graham Burnett
AKV Schulbuch 5: Desert, Anonymous
AKV Schulbuch 6: Pitcairn Islands Repopulation Plan
AKV Schulbuch 7: Treffpunkt, Max Stocklosa (mit Philipp Simon)
AKV Schulbuch 8: Ordnung 1 / Lücke / Ordnung 2, Schulbuch Redaktion
AKV Schulbuch 9: Lob Der Gewohnheiten, Hans-Christian Dany
AKV Schulbuch 10: SHEVEK was invited at a modest middle class house
AKV Schulbuch 11: Knüppel aus dem Sack, Marion von Osten,
Das unvollendete Projekt der Umverteilung von Wissen, Tyna Fritschy
AKV Schulbuch 12: Neue Wissensordnungen nach 1900, Philipp Messner