Numerous Sensors are deployed to allow for the world to be turned into a
quantifiable, governable, utilizable, programmable whole.
Harvested via sensors, the acquired data has the promise of a new exactitude: reality certifiers.
Thus they are no longer substitutes for a world experience but they rather seem to determine
our demands on reality. – Paraphrased from Susan Schuppli via Susan Sonntag
Detailed Information on the concept of the window diorama:
Things go through an act of transformation and distort or shapeshift in order to correlate with the human conditions of perception. (E.g.: A fish is turned into a fish species in order to be registered into a list) This process is somewhat well known from the beginning to the end but not too much in the middle, meaning at the very core of the transformative act. This core is the place where the things are in a shift mode from A to B, where the world and its representations meet halfway and non of them is certain where to go next.
Since the task is to visualize this theoretical scaffold, here some words that bring to mind images of this place in a 3 dimensional world:
In turn these suggestions point to further dynamics within and through the realms of:
power, danger, force, gender, nature, culture etc.
They also suggest variations in size and format. There are linear, thin, thick and field like forms. Some you can jump, some climb, some never enter or pass.
Further, the 1st and even more so the 2nd list show that the (maybe only possible) way to approach the concept “transformation“, has only led to the use of the very same model, namely that of “transformation“. E.g. A gap into architecture into structure and so on...
To conclude and summarize:
The emphasized “forcefield” highlights the multiple possible directions from which to engage the topic but it also shows hints to the conditions under which transformations act. (architectural, geological, political, technological, mathematical, physical etc.)
It needs to be considered that most likely the only way to approach the topic of transformation is by also using acts of transformation. The means and methods through which this topic is being analyzed, operate in the very same way then that what is being analyzed. (Namely Transformation) This means that the work itself has to undergo the same careful reflection then that what is being reflected on.