The exhibition Plury Pläne (engl. Plury Plans) at distro-InfoSpace (Basel) accumulates some results from an ongoing interest in modes of simultaneity within knowledge production*. The methods, practices and stories in focus share a resistance towards being attributed to distinct roles, domains, identities or professions and thus actively complicate „the narrowness of the spheres of competence“ during its classification. Not being classifiable, affiliative, identifiable or coherent can become an issue in terms of governability, utilization or exploitation but also in regard to indexing for example in library systems or archives with a fixed classification system. Consequently, some of those modes are often (purposefully or not) unaccounted for, invisible or on the fringes. Others however are very visible due to certain strategies only to leave the room once again to swap it for another one.
What is the balancing modus operandi of such forms of active non-participation? How and where is such knowledge being distributed if not via predominant channels? How can they be rendered visible without disturbing its invisibility? Which rooms, infrastructures or institutionalized forms evolve from it? What do they deem to be a tolerable threshold of becoming (a participant)?
*the term knowledge production is herein generally understood as a practice that is acted out by multiple agents in a wide range of places, spaces and times. It is not only found within traditional places of education but also outside of it in the form of a fugitive knowledge unaccounted for as such. For instance during banal conversations, routine strolls, self-organized gatherings, accidental collaborations, disputes, celebrations, improvised set-ups or forms of mutual support.
Plury Pläne References
Primary (1)
- Lucie Kolb, Studium Nicht Kritik
- Ursula K. Le Guin, The Dispossessed
- Terre Thaemlitz, Late-Phase Identity Politics
- Lotte L.S., Iceland Pamphlet
- Jorge Luis Borges, The Aleph
- Bruno Latour, Zirkulierende Referenzen
- Max Stocklosa, Lotte L.S. Stipendium - Abschlussbericht
- Tovo Port, To never truly be convinced by the act naming: Samsung GT-B3310 images
- Lieblingspassagen aus Annette Maechtel’s: Das Temporäre politisch denken. Raumproduktion im Berlin der frühen 1990er Jahre
- AKV Schulbuch 10. SHEVEK was invited for dinner at a modest middle-class house
- Sabeth Buchmann, Zwischen Projekt und Bartleby: Tunix im Widerspruch
Nachträgliche Überlegungen zur vorweggenommenen Nachträglichkeit der 1990er Jahre - AKV Schulbuch 11. Knüppel aus dem Sack, Warum wir gerne Zeitschriften herausgeben
- Eva Weinmayr, Excerpt from Noun to Verb
Secondary (2)
- Annika Bender, Death of an Art Critic
- Hans Christian Dany, Ode To Routine
- Katja Reichard, Uffdecken der janz kleenen persönlichen Scheisse
- Baustop.randstadt, Gesprächsrunde
- Intercity #1
- Begleitmaterialien zur RUINE #1
- Begleitmaterialien zur RUINE #2
- Philipp Messner, Neue Wissensordnung um 1900
- Daniel Loick, Der Missbrauch des Eigentums
- Cittipunkt Reader, Bartleby und der Mann der seinesgleichen liebte
- AKV Schulbuch 8. Ordnung 1 / Lücke / Ordnung 2
- William C. Anderson, Zoe Samudzi The Anarchism of Blackness
(people, texts, quotes, resources, help, stories, places, half remembered conversations, disputes etc.)
Adams, Marion von Osten, Lucie Kolb, Thies Hilsberg, Cabinet Magazine, Philipp Messner, Peter Spillmann, Jonas von Lenthe, Stephan Geene, Katja Reichard, The Center for Land Use Interpretation, Micha Bonk, Philipp Simon, Sebastian Stein, Leonie Nagel, Lina Grumm, Hans-Christian Dany, Annika Bender, Lotta Thießen, Anthony Davies, David Polzin, Emanuel Rossetti (DX/Dtronics use!) and everyone ever involved with Cittipunkt e.V.
Classification, Indexing, (Un) Governability, Knowledge Production, Institutionalization, Public, Withdrawal, Non-participation, Simultaneity, Transversing, Incoherence, (Not) Becoming, Dodging the Aim, Authorship, Property, Rooms, Infrastructures, Selforganisation
All images courtesy of Finn Curry